
Hooty Owls is an interesting NFT project

Hooty Owls is an amazing collection of more than 10,000 one-of-a-kind Hooties that were developed by AI and are exploring the Ethereum blockchain. Every single Hooty is one of a kind and is generated by AI-powered learning engines. They are constructed using over 500 different characteristics, such as skin, backdrop, attire, and more. They were all crafted with a lot of love, although some of them are harder to find than others.

The owls that make up the cutting-edge Super Club on planet Eyrie have teleported here to destroy all logic

“The company is devoted to conducting freebies on a regular basis. To show their appreciation for the hard work that the active members of the community put in, they want to give them a voice in the important communal choices that are made. Hoot more, get more.”

Each Hooty Owl is constructed with over 500 one-of-a-kind characteristics that complement the individual’s personality, profession, or even event. Every one of their Hootys is a masterwork that celebrates the individual that is within them.

“Each and every Hooty Owl NFT holder mint will, as a result of our efforts, be rewarded with increased value and passive income. To ensure that they continue to make a profit, all of the holders have direct access to the Treehouses, Hooty Owlets, and 3D Hooties that are being developed.”

When holders mint a Hooty Owl or Treehouse, they are granted full ownership of the high-resolution artwork in a png file that measures 2500 pixels by 2500 pixels. In addition, they will receive VIP entrance to the Hooty Club, which will allow them to participate in upcoming Mega Events hosted by the company, a party on a private island, and, of course, access to the Metaverse using their VIP Pass.


Image credits: Shutterstock, CC images, Midjourney, Unsplash.

