
Squid Academy NFT collection to release shortly

Squid Academy is the first Squid NFT with venture capitalist, staking, luxury tour, Squidemy, free merch, Squidoosh, blue-chip stocks, $SVERSE coin, and community events as features. Each Squid NFT is a hand-drawn, algorithmically created, and one-of-a-kind piece of 2D digital artwork with 573 potential features such as skin, eyes, and backdrop. After the initial sale, all facts about qualities and their different rarities will be published.

Squidoosh, games, tours, $SVERSE, freebies, raffles, gear, and other special perks and privileges are available to every Squid

DAOs are rapidly evolving and expanding, with different governance structures and voting mechanisms being tested. Squidemy (Squid Academy’s DAO) will begin with the basics of a DAO and then develop with new features backed by research and trials. As a venture capitalist, it will invest in high-quality crypto ventures, buy blue-chip stocks, and make decisions about Squid Academy’s future.

Squidoosh is much more than a highly addicting, scalable game managed by the $SVERSE token and allowing access to the metaverse.

456 Original Squids and 10,000 Volunteer Squids are available. Originals are the Academy’s founders, whereas Volunteers are those who have the will to rebel. All Squids in Academy are equal, but no two have the same traits.

On May 17, 2022, users will be able to acquire a Squid through our INO sale. When they make the purchase, a randomly generated Squid will be minted to play eternally on the Solana blockchain and handed to their wallet.

Squid Vault, Community Wallet, and Team Wallet will receive funds raised during mint and will be used to further improve the project. After the mint, a merch store will open, and Squid holders will receive a free drop of personalized, community-driven goods. Holders will chose apparel samples given by designers, artists, and the community for IRL experience through Squidemy (DAO).

Squid Academy may potentially investigate the prospect of starting a merchandising enterprise, with earnings going to NFT holders.





Image credits: Shutterstock, CC images, Midjourney, Unsplash.

