
TronNinja engages in the metaverse with a new game

The TronNinja arcade built on the Tron Blockchain aims to bring back the local Arcade with a twist. A mini metaverse dubbed the Ninjaverse will allow users to meet, socialize, and compete in a Roblox style open world. Each user can play as their TronNinja NFT and even own their own Retro Arcade machine and its revenue.



Each user can play as their TronNinja NFT

Arcade games from the past hold a special place in the hearts of many players. Those who remember the games we used to play before life got in the way know that the local arcade was always much more than simply playing games; the social component was just as vital. When computers were widely available, all of it was gone.

The team behind TronNinjas came together out of love for retro gaming

TronNinjas was founded by a group of people that had a passion for vintage gaming. They’re a group of software engineers, marketers, and visionaries from all around the world. Because of its high throughput and cheap transaction costs, they are making the Tron Blockchain the Ninjaverse’s home. It was judged ideal for use in a Play to Earn game.

“At its foundation, the Tron ninja arcade began as a passion for something that has long since died: arcade gaming was more than just gaming; it was a social nexus for individuals when not everyone could own a computer.” You’d spend your days at your local arcade with your pals competing, playing, and socializing – that’s what we’re trying to capture here; Tron Ninjas isn’t just about playing games; the social side is just as important. We’re attempting to digitalize the local arcade in order to resurrect an ancient art form in a modern media.”

The TronNinja Arcade is now live

The TronNinja Arcade is now open to the public, and anybody may participate in weekly GameFi E-Sports games with cash rewards for the victors. There are now four classic games available to play, and users may earn the TronNinjas native token TNT just by playing them. The Ninjaverse is the project’s next phase.

Image credits: Shutterstock, CC images, Midjourney, Unsplash.

